A new alternative transportation system has unveiled by Zipcar Inc associated with Ford in the name of 'Zipcar'. A zipcar works like a prepaid transportation system. If you register with zipcar service, you will be alloted a swipe card, where you can put fund to use the zipcar. Zipcars will be placed all over University campuses, Main junctions of all cities in US. So, all you need to do is put funds and drive away the car.
The zipcar usage tariffs are listed below:
For Students and University Alumni:

For Students and University Alumni:
- $7 an hour on a weekday and $8 on weekend
- $66 for an entire day
The above tariffs include gas and insurance upto 180 miles a day. These rates may vary according to car you wish to opt.
How Zipcars can be accessed?
- Self-service access to cars 24/7
- Reserve on-line or using mobile
- Cars locate right on university campuses
- Zipcars have to be returned at place where you picked-up
- One should return the Zipcar on the time to avoid penalty
Now check if the Zipcar is available on your campus at
'Zipcar on your university campus'
Link to Zipcar Service:
Zipcar Service for universities
'Zipcar on your university campus'
Link to Zipcar Service:
Zipcar Service for universities
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