January 18, 2012

GRE Verbal

What's new with the New GRE Verbal Reasoning section:

  • Antonyms and analogies have been removed from the test, so there are no questions that test vocabulary out of context.
  • New Text Completion questions test your ability to interpret, evaluate and reason from what you've read. Text Completion questions test this ability by omitting crucial words from short passages, requiring you to fill them in by selecting words or phrases.
  • New Sentence Equivalence questions test your ability to reach a conclusion about how a sentence should be completed while focusing on the meaning of the whole sentence.
There are more Reading Comprehension questions on the test, including new types of questions, such as selecting multiple correct answer choices instead of just one, or highlighting a sentence within a reading passage to answer the question.

  • Download Revised GRE PowerPrep II Software 
  • Old GRE to New GRE: Math score conversion chart 
  • Old GRE to NEW GRE: Verbal score conversion chart 
  • VIDEO: Learn about New GRE Score Scaling from the ETS Officials


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