Time : 11 Am
B.Tech Aggregate : 57.45%(1-8)
GRE : 1280 (V-560 Q-720)
TOEFL : 90
Backlogs : 1 (6th sem) cleared immediately in the next attempt.
Visa interview went like this:
I saw an American women inside the window(heard how much she loves to reject)
Me- Good morning ma'am
VO- No reaction and did not even look at me.
Me- I passed all the documents arranged in a blue folder.
VO- (went through the documents for about 30 secs) and says " Can i see your individual marks cards?"
Me- (As I am already prepared with the documentation) forwarded it her in a second.
VO- Looked at all the semester marks sheets in 10 secs and pointed out that the 6th was a consolidated so asked for the individual marks sheets.
Me- (Instantly)I had a backlog in 6th and cleared it in the subsequent attempt. Pulled out and gave her the other 2 marks sheets of that semester.
VO- On looking at them, she started accusing me of hiding this information as I had a backlog and questioned me 2 to 3 times why I lied to her.
Me- I told her that they were individual semester marks cards and that is what she asked for. I kept saying 'NO' every time she asked why I lied to her. She did not give a chance to explain about the misunderstanding.
VO- I cant give you visa. If you apply another time, tell the truth to Visa officer. Your grades are good and had only one backlog.
Me- Was in a state of shock and left the place immediately with the 214(b) form that she gave. I felt she rejected my visa for no reason. It seems completely absurd to me.
All this happened in less than 2 minutes. I was not even asked which university I am going to and none of the other documents were asked.
Good luck for you all guys.
there is a good reason the lady rejected; he lied.
I think she asked u for INDIVIDUAL ," Can i see your individual marks cards?"
U gave her incomplete list. And prior to that when she had not asked u for any docs, u passed her all of it.
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