Thanks to Varun Shah for writing this post.
1. Why this university?
Ans. Explain the strong points of the univeristy
2. Why do you plan to do MS? Why MS in CS ?
Ans. Having worked for 2 years in an IT company I learnt a lot about software development and I have a good know-how of Computer Science and Software Engineering, but a bit more technical knowledge and research in the field will serve greatly when I come back here and join the company of my choice. Higher qualifications give a better place, a better standard in today's competitive world. I have seen that there is a dearth of persons with greater technical know-how in this field, and whosoever has it will be benefited highly. So I wish to complete my MS and strengthen my knowledge and grasp the opportunity.
3. Why do you wish to study in the US ?
Ans. U.S grad Schools are a way ahead in research in fields like Computer science and Software Engineering when compared to other countries of the world. They emphasize practical knowledge just book learning. A degree from US is globally recognized as the academic standards reputed. USA is the mecca of education.
4. Why Don't you study in India ? (This is the same question as the second but you can answer it in a different way. If 3rd question is asked, stress the strong points of US schools. In both the cases you have to show the positive points of US Universities over Indian universities)
Ans. Masters Education in India lays more emphasis on the theory than practical knowledge, Hence a Masters degree from India does not really help in fulfilling the career goals of a person like me. Indian Universities do not have enough facilities to support students in their research, whereas US Universities have sound infrastructure to support students to gain both the theoretical as well as practical knowledge. Moreover, the courses in India are not flexible as in US.
5. Why MS CS with Software Engineering as specialization ?
Ans. The number of end-user programmers in the world will soon going to be 20 times as many as the number of professional programmers.
6. Where did you get your undergraduate degree? Ans. I did my Bachelors of Engineering in ****** which is affiliated to #### University.
7. How many admits/ rejects?
Ans. [Explain]
8. What is your first choice ?
Ans. Mention your university name.
9. What is your GRE/TOEFL score ?
Ans. [Explain]
10. What are your grades like ?
Ans. Sir, We have a percentage system, and I scored ___ %. [or CGPA]
11. Do you have any backlogs ? [if any]
Ans. Yes Sir, I had # backlogs during ^^^^^ semesters. It was very unfortunate that I was unwell. [Not recommended to say you were involved in sports, hence couldn't concentrate on exams. I Saw 2 students in edulix got reject because of this answer]
12. What was your bachelor's department?
Ans. I completed Bachelors of Engineering in ^^^^^ department.
13. Why did you switch fields from Electrical and Electronics to Computer Science ? Why are you changing your stream?
Ans. During my college days, apart from coursework, I learnt computer languages out of my interest. In this process I completed courses in C, C++, JAVA, J2EE. I became a Sun certified Java Programmer during my 3rd year. The additional interest that I had for Computer Science also made me take up a job as a Software Engineer. I became well trained and gained valuable industry experience during my job. But, I always had it in my mind, that once I strengthen myself in my field, I will go on to enhance my skills in the field of Computers and Software Engineering. Hence I chose to pursue masters in Computer Science.
14. What is the purpose of your trip?
Ans. To pursue my Masters in Computer Science at ^^^^^^ University.
15. Which university are you planning to go?
Ans. ^^^^^ University
16. Who is planning to sponsor you?
Ans. My father going to support my higher education. I also have a bank loan sanctioned for ** lakhs.
17. Your passbooks show that a large amount of money has recently been deposited. How would you explain that?
Ans. [Explain it... whatever may it be.. Convince him you were always rich]
18. What do your parents do ?
Ans. [Explain]
19. Does any of your relative stay in the US?
Ans. No...[If yes... be honest... they are not going to reject for this reason]
20. Your brother/sister is studying too. How will your parents support both of you?
Ans. Yes/ No [If yes, Explain that he has scholarship or less fee etc]
21. Why is your GRE score low ?
Ans. I answered the first few questions incorrectly and I couldn't improve my score later even after performing well. But you can see that the TOEFL score is decent which shows my proficiency in the English language.
22. What are your plans after Graduation?
Ans. Sir, I like the present company I am working for. So I wish to complete MS and strengthen my technical knowledge and get back to India Post-MS and rejoin the same company. [Have some valid reason]
23. What is your parents’ annual income?
Ans. My family’s annual income is *** lakhs. My father’s annual income is &&& lakhs and my mother’s annual income is ### lakhs.
24. Do you intend to come back ? or What if you are offered a job in US ?
Ans. Yes! I really like the company that I am working at present. But, I am planning to return back and re-join the same company after my Masters. I am going to US to upgrade my skills in computer science and update my knowledge in the latest Software Engg practices. This would surely enable me get better results in the competitive field here.
25. Tell me about your University’s location ?
Ans. ______University is in ____location, USA. It is one and half hour drive from ____city and 40 minutes from so and so city.
26. How many times have you attended VISA interview before? Is this your first time?
Ans. Explain if you attended any for the student VISA.
27. What are the courses offered ? or What type of courses are there ?
Ans.Prepare to tell the university courses listing.
28. What do you know about the University ?
Ans. Example: Oregon State University (OSU) is a public research university located in Corvallis, Oregon, United States. The university offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees and a multitude of research opportunities. There are over 200 academic degree programs offered through the university. The University offers around 60 courses to graduates and undergraduates and there are more than 320 full time faculties. There are more than 7000 students in the University. It is located 1.5 hours driving distance from Portland and 40 minutes from Eugene.
29. How did you come to know about your University ?
Ans. I came to know about the University through internet and email exchanges with the seniors.
30. Supposing you meet someone in the US whom you like, would you consider marrying her ? Ans. I am from a very traditional family. I am very much concerned about my career and definite on my goals. I have more important responsibilities to shoulder and am confident not to get carried away or get attracted to people. I have decided to do an MS and am very professional.
31. Do you plan to work in the US supposing on-campus ?
Ans. I have no plans to work while studying. I want to complete the course as early as possible and come back and join the IT industry in India.
32. How many members in a family ?
Ans. [Tell them] 33. Why the entries in the passbook are recent ? Ans. [Explain] 34. Even in this condition of economic recession, you want to go US. Why ? Ans. I am going there for studies and I want to return back after my studies. So, economic recession in US doesn't affect me.
35. Why not University "B"? It is ranked higher than the one you are opting now?
Ans. Example: Oregon State University offers new and advanced courses like Machine Learning, End-User Software Engineering, Functional programming etc. I came to know from my email correspondence with Prof. ***** that we had similar research interests and I wish to join his research group. Besides this, the University has its own Laboratory for Empirical Software Testing Research where students study software testing techniques by empirical means. There is also an Usability Testing Facility which is used as a testbed for systematically evaluating the usability and robustness of software tools and interfaces, across a range of common desktop platforms. All these combined together made me chose Oregon State University over University "B".
36. Name some professors of your University ?
Ans. (add prefix 'Dr' to the professor even if he is not of doctorate level)
37. Why have you not applied to ______ university even though you have sent your GRE score ? Ans. (a) While I took my GRE I was not aware of universities that were best suited for my research interests.Hence I chose top few colleges which I knew at that time. (b) I had done an extensive research over the Universities before applying to any university. I tried to match my requirements with the University's requirement. Some how some things were not matching. So I did not apply to that University.
38. How did they manage to save all that money?
Ans. [Explain]
39. If your dad is a businessman, why you going for Computers?
Ans. I want to follow my own dreams.
40. How many people work under your father ?
Ans. [Explain]
41. What about your second year fees?
Ans. [ Explain it as per your CA statement]
42. What kind of money is he using to fund your studies?
Ans. Money from Bank Saving accounts. [Similar to this]
43. They can’t support you from this income?
Ans. I have got a loan of ** lakh rupees sanctioned from the bank. My family’s annual income is ## lakhs per annum. Other than this we also have enough savings and rental income to support the family. Hence finance will never be a problem.
44. When did your parents start saving for your education?
Ans. For the past # years.
45. How much your parents would be providing you?
Ans. My parents would be paying me around ** lakhs. Remaining amount would be paid from bank loan obtained.
46. Where did all these funds come from suddenly? How do I believe your funds in the passbooks are genuine as the entries are recent and huge?
Ans. These have been maintained for at least 6 months. My father obtained this money by ____. Also, I have the bank certificate issued by the bank manager as an additional proof for the cash balance given in the pass book.
47. Can you tell me how did you get this amount? How did you get this money?
Ans. [Explain]
48. Tell me last three months transaction. How much money is been deposited in three months. How much money have you transferred in your saving in last three months? [VOs have framed this Q as a counter measure to ppl that transfer funds in small chunks in SB accounts for the sake of visa Interview]
Ans. [Explain as per pass book]
49. Why does the passbook have only 1 page filled? How long have you had this account ???
Ans. As this bank is near to my house my father opened an account here. I also got my educational loan sanctioned from this bank. Since all our future transactions for my studies abroad will take place from this bank, my father transferred money from his other accounts to this account.
50. How many universities did you apply to?
Ans. 7
51. What are annual expenses of your course? What’s the tuition fee? Living expenses?
Ans. [Explain]
52. You look like Potential immigrants (OR) I don't think you will come back to India
(a) I am from a well-to do family and money is not at all essential for me. The only thing I lack is Masters from a reputed university which will make me a better software professional. As far as opportunity is concerned, because of recession most of the US Companies are turning towards Indian companies for their software solutions. So I am certain that with my degree I will get an equivalent opportunity and pay packet in India.
(b) I am from a well-to do family and money is not at all essential for me. The only thing I lack is Masters from a reputed university which will make me a better software professional. Also, I am highly satisfied with the present company I am working for. So I wish to complete my MS and strengthen my technical knowledge and get back to India Post-MS and rejoin ____.
53. Won’t there be any problems within the family if your father spends most of his savings for your education purpose only? How can you justify this?
Ans. Ours is a close knit and educated family and all member of my family understand the essence of good education for one’s career growth. Besides that I am using only [_]% of their savings in my education.
54. Are you going to use up all your fathers savings? So do you think he is going to spend all his hard earned money?
Ans. No Sir. I would be using only [_]% of my father’s savings. The remaining [_]% of the finance for studies will be taken care by the bank loan.
55. Who is going to pay for such an expensive course? Isn’t this an expensive course to afford? Ans. I have got a bank loan approved for [_]lakhs and my father will sponsor me for the remaining amount from his savings. It’s an affordable course considering my financial background and we look at it as an investment. I can reap rich dividends from this course for rest of my life.
56. Will you repay your sponsor ?
Ans. No. Quote:Why ? My sponsors are financially strong and they do not need funds from me.
57. Do you think you will get the visa
Ans. I have shown sufficient funds required for my MS and I have shown strong intent to return to India so I don’t see a valid reason for my visa gets rejected.
58. Tell me about the current project you are working on ? [For working people obviously]
Ans. [Explain]
59. Have you ever made any trips abroad. Have you ever been to foreign country? Have you ever been outside India anywhere? So you have never been to America? Ans. [Explain]
60. How you will transfer money to US?
Ans. Through wire transfer.
61. Why do you seem so nervous?
Ans. It’s a big day for me, so nervousness is there a bit.
62. How many passports do you have?
Ans. 1
63. Are your parents happy with your decision?
Ans. Yes they are. They are educated and they know very well that a MS from US is very important for my career growth.
64. What will your education abroad bring you in India? Same a 'WHY M.S' ?
Ans. Having worked for 2 years in an IT company I learnt a lot about software development and I have a good know-how of Computer Science and Software Engineering, but a bit more technical knowledge and research in the field will serve greatly when I come back here and join the company of my choice. Higher qualifications give a better place, a better standard in today's competitive world. I have seen that there is a dearth of persons with greater technical know-how in this field, and whosoever has it will be benefited highly. So I wish to complete my MS and strengthen my knowledge and grasp the opportunity.
65. Do you have any relative in US? If so, what are they doing ??
Ans. [Explain]
66. Why did you apply to 2 universities in CA ?
Ans. Location was never in my mind when I chose 5 universities where I have to apply, its just a sheer co-incidence that 2 of these universities were in CA.
67. Do you have any immovable property here? Land? Do u have any lands?
Ans. [Explain]
68. What is your opinion about USA? What is the thing you like best in America? What kind of good things do you know about America?
Ans. USA is the most developed country in the world. People there are very friendly and helping. Education and research is at its best in USA. A degree from an US university is globally recognized as the academic standards are very high there. USA is the mecca of education.
69. How can you adjust with a new environment ? Do you have any problem in language, living there and studying ? Ans. Americans are very friendly and helpful. They will never let you feel that you are a foreigner. It is very easy to adjust with them. So I do not think I will have any problem in mixing with them
70. Have you referred any websites for this visa interview?
Ans. None. Except for the VFS-USA website.
71. How did you prepare yourself for this interview? Did you join any yahoo group to help yourself with the interview preparation? Why did you take help from educational consultants? Did you go to some consultant?
Ans. No preparation. Just collected all my documents as mentioned in VFS site and now I am in front of you.
72. Your answer seem well rehearsed ?
Ans. Really? Do we need preparation for such a simple interview
73. If need arises, do you have anyone in U.S. who could give you US $? [Again a trap]
Ans. No
74. What sort of job will you get here ?
Ans. I will get a jobs as a Software Development Analyst or Software Engineering Manager. [Explain it.. based on your area of specialization]
75. Who is a Software Engineer? [Or whatever profession you are in at present]
Ans. A software engineer is a person who applies the principles of software engineering to the design, development, testing, and evaluation of the softwares and systems that make computers or anything containing software work.
76. What sort of companies will take you? Who is going to hire you? So for what kind of companies do you want to work ? Where all you can work?
Ans. I am looking to come back and work in the same company I am working for now.
78. With which American companies you would like to work with? [again a trap]
Ans. I am open to not only to US MNCs but all MNCs
79. What would be your salary after coming to India? How much salary are you expecting?
Ans. [Explain]
80. With the kind of salaries you are offered there, why will you come back? How much do you expect to get? How much pay are you expecting in INDIA?
Ans. MNCs like ****** are paying [_] lakhs per annum
81. Do you think these companies will hire you for that much money?
Ans. Yes. Software Development Analyst is a highly sophisticated job and compensation package for such jobs is highly rewarding.
82. Do you have plans to take a break from Studies? [again a trap]
Ans. No
83. How can you adjust with the extreme weather (cold ) in US?
Ans. I think weather should not be a problem for me as my body gets accustomed to new climate easily.
84. I don't think you are the same person? [Again a trap]
Ans. Yes. I am the same person [with a smile]
85. Are these documents original?
Ans. Yes [Smile]
86. The documents you have produced are highly questionable. Your documents look like fake.
Ans. Sir all of them are genuine and they have been signed by authorized signatories [Try to maintain a smile]
87. What locations would you see there?
Ans. I am going there for studies, and since my stay in US is for 2 years only so I don’t think I will get time to freak around.
88. What does a computer engineer do ?
Ans. A computer engineer is an engineering professional who not only possesses the training of an electrical engineer, but also has credentials related to the field of computer science.
89. Why don't u shift to #### ? It’s a very good university. Will u shift? [its a trap]
Ans. No. I think my university is better for Software Engineering for someone with profile as mine.
90. Why MS after 3 years since GRE ?
Ans. Having given my GRE during my 3rd year in Engineering I decided to learn more in computer science, software engineering practices and gain enough software production experience before getting involved in research. So I applied for masters 3 years after my GRE.
91. What if I reject you ?
Ans. I have tried my best to fulfill all the requirements to get a visa. With the kind of academic and financial background that I have, I never thought that such a question would ever arise.
92. Why should I allow you a visa ? (here if question91 is asked, don't expect question 92 to be asked as it is one and the same question)
Ans. Sir , In my opinion, I have a strong educational and financial background and a valid reason to go to US. My profile is good enough for pursuing Masters' in USA and an admit from an university like ____ is a testimony to that. I have tried my best to fulfill all the requirements to get a visa. So, I expect a visa from you. IF YOUR SPONSOR IS INVOLVED IN BUSINESS OR OWNS A COMPANY
93. How big is the company ?
94. What’s this company all about ?
95. How many people working ?
96. What business does your father do ?
97. For how long is he involved in this business ? IF SPONSOR IS SOMEONE OTHER THAN YOUR PARENTS [Say for example your uncle is sponsoring you.]
98. How many children your uncle have ?
99. How about your uncle's kids ?
100. Won’t he save money for his children ?

1. Why this university?
Ans. Explain the strong points of the univeristy
2. Why do you plan to do MS? Why MS in CS ?
Ans. Having worked for 2 years in an IT company I learnt a lot about software development and I have a good know-how of Computer Science and Software Engineering, but a bit more technical knowledge and research in the field will serve greatly when I come back here and join the company of my choice. Higher qualifications give a better place, a better standard in today's competitive world. I have seen that there is a dearth of persons with greater technical know-how in this field, and whosoever has it will be benefited highly. So I wish to complete my MS and strengthen my knowledge and grasp the opportunity.
3. Why do you wish to study in the US ?
Ans. U.S grad Schools are a way ahead in research in fields like Computer science and Software Engineering when compared to other countries of the world. They emphasize practical knowledge just book learning. A degree from US is globally recognized as the academic standards reputed. USA is the mecca of education.
4. Why Don't you study in India ? (This is the same question as the second but you can answer it in a different way. If 3rd question is asked, stress the strong points of US schools. In both the cases you have to show the positive points of US Universities over Indian universities)
Ans. Masters Education in India lays more emphasis on the theory than practical knowledge, Hence a Masters degree from India does not really help in fulfilling the career goals of a person like me. Indian Universities do not have enough facilities to support students in their research, whereas US Universities have sound infrastructure to support students to gain both the theoretical as well as practical knowledge. Moreover, the courses in India are not flexible as in US.
5. Why MS CS with Software Engineering as specialization ?
Ans. The number of end-user programmers in the world will soon going to be 20 times as many as the number of professional programmers.
6. Where did you get your undergraduate degree? Ans. I did my Bachelors of Engineering in ****** which is affiliated to #### University.
7. How many admits/ rejects?
Ans. [Explain]
8. What is your first choice ?
Ans. Mention your university name.
9. What is your GRE/TOEFL score ?
Ans. [Explain]
10. What are your grades like ?
Ans. Sir, We have a percentage system, and I scored ___ %. [or CGPA]
11. Do you have any backlogs ? [if any]
Ans. Yes Sir, I had # backlogs during ^^^^^ semesters. It was very unfortunate that I was unwell. [Not recommended to say you were involved in sports, hence couldn't concentrate on exams. I Saw 2 students in edulix got reject because of this answer]
12. What was your bachelor's department?
Ans. I completed Bachelors of Engineering in ^^^^^ department.
13. Why did you switch fields from Electrical and Electronics to Computer Science ? Why are you changing your stream?
Ans. During my college days, apart from coursework, I learnt computer languages out of my interest. In this process I completed courses in C, C++, JAVA, J2EE. I became a Sun certified Java Programmer during my 3rd year. The additional interest that I had for Computer Science also made me take up a job as a Software Engineer. I became well trained and gained valuable industry experience during my job. But, I always had it in my mind, that once I strengthen myself in my field, I will go on to enhance my skills in the field of Computers and Software Engineering. Hence I chose to pursue masters in Computer Science.
14. What is the purpose of your trip?
Ans. To pursue my Masters in Computer Science at ^^^^^^ University.
15. Which university are you planning to go?
Ans. ^^^^^ University
16. Who is planning to sponsor you?
Ans. My father going to support my higher education. I also have a bank loan sanctioned for ** lakhs.
17. Your passbooks show that a large amount of money has recently been deposited. How would you explain that?
Ans. [Explain it... whatever may it be.. Convince him you were always rich]
18. What do your parents do ?
Ans. [Explain]
19. Does any of your relative stay in the US?
Ans. No...[If yes... be honest... they are not going to reject for this reason]
20. Your brother/sister is studying too. How will your parents support both of you?
Ans. Yes/ No [If yes, Explain that he has scholarship or less fee etc]
21. Why is your GRE score low ?
Ans. I answered the first few questions incorrectly and I couldn't improve my score later even after performing well. But you can see that the TOEFL score is decent which shows my proficiency in the English language.
22. What are your plans after Graduation?
Ans. Sir, I like the present company I am working for. So I wish to complete MS and strengthen my technical knowledge and get back to India Post-MS and rejoin the same company. [Have some valid reason]
23. What is your parents’ annual income?
Ans. My family’s annual income is *** lakhs. My father’s annual income is &&& lakhs and my mother’s annual income is ### lakhs.
24. Do you intend to come back ? or What if you are offered a job in US ?
Ans. Yes! I really like the company that I am working at present. But, I am planning to return back and re-join the same company after my Masters. I am going to US to upgrade my skills in computer science and update my knowledge in the latest Software Engg practices. This would surely enable me get better results in the competitive field here.
25. Tell me about your University’s location ?
Ans. ______University is in ____location, USA. It is one and half hour drive from ____city and 40 minutes from so and so city.
26. How many times have you attended VISA interview before? Is this your first time?
Ans. Explain if you attended any for the student VISA.
27. What are the courses offered ? or What type of courses are there ?
Ans.Prepare to tell the university courses listing.
28. What do you know about the University ?
Ans. Example: Oregon State University (OSU) is a public research university located in Corvallis, Oregon, United States. The university offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees and a multitude of research opportunities. There are over 200 academic degree programs offered through the university. The University offers around 60 courses to graduates and undergraduates and there are more than 320 full time faculties. There are more than 7000 students in the University. It is located 1.5 hours driving distance from Portland and 40 minutes from Eugene.
29. How did you come to know about your University ?
Ans. I came to know about the University through internet and email exchanges with the seniors.
30. Supposing you meet someone in the US whom you like, would you consider marrying her ? Ans. I am from a very traditional family. I am very much concerned about my career and definite on my goals. I have more important responsibilities to shoulder and am confident not to get carried away or get attracted to people. I have decided to do an MS and am very professional.
31. Do you plan to work in the US supposing on-campus ?
Ans. I have no plans to work while studying. I want to complete the course as early as possible and come back and join the IT industry in India.
32. How many members in a family ?
Ans. [Tell them] 33. Why the entries in the passbook are recent ? Ans. [Explain] 34. Even in this condition of economic recession, you want to go US. Why ? Ans. I am going there for studies and I want to return back after my studies. So, economic recession in US doesn't affect me.
35. Why not University "B"? It is ranked higher than the one you are opting now?
Ans. Example: Oregon State University offers new and advanced courses like Machine Learning, End-User Software Engineering, Functional programming etc. I came to know from my email correspondence with Prof. ***** that we had similar research interests and I wish to join his research group. Besides this, the University has its own Laboratory for Empirical Software Testing Research where students study software testing techniques by empirical means. There is also an Usability Testing Facility which is used as a testbed for systematically evaluating the usability and robustness of software tools and interfaces, across a range of common desktop platforms. All these combined together made me chose Oregon State University over University "B".
36. Name some professors of your University ?
Ans. (add prefix 'Dr' to the professor even if he is not of doctorate level)
37. Why have you not applied to ______ university even though you have sent your GRE score ? Ans. (a) While I took my GRE I was not aware of universities that were best suited for my research interests.Hence I chose top few colleges which I knew at that time. (b) I had done an extensive research over the Universities before applying to any university. I tried to match my requirements with the University's requirement. Some how some things were not matching. So I did not apply to that University.
38. How did they manage to save all that money?
Ans. [Explain]
39. If your dad is a businessman, why you going for Computers?
Ans. I want to follow my own dreams.
40. How many people work under your father ?
Ans. [Explain]
41. What about your second year fees?
Ans. [ Explain it as per your CA statement]
42. What kind of money is he using to fund your studies?
Ans. Money from Bank Saving accounts. [Similar to this]
43. They can’t support you from this income?
Ans. I have got a loan of ** lakh rupees sanctioned from the bank. My family’s annual income is ## lakhs per annum. Other than this we also have enough savings and rental income to support the family. Hence finance will never be a problem.
44. When did your parents start saving for your education?
Ans. For the past # years.
45. How much your parents would be providing you?
Ans. My parents would be paying me around ** lakhs. Remaining amount would be paid from bank loan obtained.
46. Where did all these funds come from suddenly? How do I believe your funds in the passbooks are genuine as the entries are recent and huge?
Ans. These have been maintained for at least 6 months. My father obtained this money by ____. Also, I have the bank certificate issued by the bank manager as an additional proof for the cash balance given in the pass book.
47. Can you tell me how did you get this amount? How did you get this money?
Ans. [Explain]
48. Tell me last three months transaction. How much money is been deposited in three months. How much money have you transferred in your saving in last three months? [VOs have framed this Q as a counter measure to ppl that transfer funds in small chunks in SB accounts for the sake of visa Interview]
Ans. [Explain as per pass book]
49. Why does the passbook have only 1 page filled? How long have you had this account ???
Ans. As this bank is near to my house my father opened an account here. I also got my educational loan sanctioned from this bank. Since all our future transactions for my studies abroad will take place from this bank, my father transferred money from his other accounts to this account.
50. How many universities did you apply to?
Ans. 7
51. What are annual expenses of your course? What’s the tuition fee? Living expenses?
Ans. [Explain]
52. You look like Potential immigrants (OR) I don't think you will come back to India
(a) I am from a well-to do family and money is not at all essential for me. The only thing I lack is Masters from a reputed university which will make me a better software professional. As far as opportunity is concerned, because of recession most of the US Companies are turning towards Indian companies for their software solutions. So I am certain that with my degree I will get an equivalent opportunity and pay packet in India.
(b) I am from a well-to do family and money is not at all essential for me. The only thing I lack is Masters from a reputed university which will make me a better software professional. Also, I am highly satisfied with the present company I am working for. So I wish to complete my MS and strengthen my technical knowledge and get back to India Post-MS and rejoin ____.
53. Won’t there be any problems within the family if your father spends most of his savings for your education purpose only? How can you justify this?
Ans. Ours is a close knit and educated family and all member of my family understand the essence of good education for one’s career growth. Besides that I am using only [_]% of their savings in my education.
54. Are you going to use up all your fathers savings? So do you think he is going to spend all his hard earned money?
Ans. No Sir. I would be using only [_]% of my father’s savings. The remaining [_]% of the finance for studies will be taken care by the bank loan.
55. Who is going to pay for such an expensive course? Isn’t this an expensive course to afford? Ans. I have got a bank loan approved for [_]lakhs and my father will sponsor me for the remaining amount from his savings. It’s an affordable course considering my financial background and we look at it as an investment. I can reap rich dividends from this course for rest of my life.
56. Will you repay your sponsor ?
Ans. No. Quote:Why ? My sponsors are financially strong and they do not need funds from me.
57. Do you think you will get the visa
Ans. I have shown sufficient funds required for my MS and I have shown strong intent to return to India so I don’t see a valid reason for my visa gets rejected.
58. Tell me about the current project you are working on ? [For working people obviously]
Ans. [Explain]
59. Have you ever made any trips abroad. Have you ever been to foreign country? Have you ever been outside India anywhere? So you have never been to America? Ans. [Explain]
60. How you will transfer money to US?
Ans. Through wire transfer.
61. Why do you seem so nervous?
Ans. It’s a big day for me, so nervousness is there a bit.
62. How many passports do you have?
Ans. 1
63. Are your parents happy with your decision?
Ans. Yes they are. They are educated and they know very well that a MS from US is very important for my career growth.
64. What will your education abroad bring you in India? Same a 'WHY M.S' ?
Ans. Having worked for 2 years in an IT company I learnt a lot about software development and I have a good know-how of Computer Science and Software Engineering, but a bit more technical knowledge and research in the field will serve greatly when I come back here and join the company of my choice. Higher qualifications give a better place, a better standard in today's competitive world. I have seen that there is a dearth of persons with greater technical know-how in this field, and whosoever has it will be benefited highly. So I wish to complete my MS and strengthen my knowledge and grasp the opportunity.
65. Do you have any relative in US? If so, what are they doing ??
Ans. [Explain]
66. Why did you apply to 2 universities in CA ?
Ans. Location was never in my mind when I chose 5 universities where I have to apply, its just a sheer co-incidence that 2 of these universities were in CA.
67. Do you have any immovable property here? Land? Do u have any lands?
Ans. [Explain]
68. What is your opinion about USA? What is the thing you like best in America? What kind of good things do you know about America?
Ans. USA is the most developed country in the world. People there are very friendly and helping. Education and research is at its best in USA. A degree from an US university is globally recognized as the academic standards are very high there. USA is the mecca of education.
69. How can you adjust with a new environment ? Do you have any problem in language, living there and studying ? Ans. Americans are very friendly and helpful. They will never let you feel that you are a foreigner. It is very easy to adjust with them. So I do not think I will have any problem in mixing with them
70. Have you referred any websites for this visa interview?
Ans. None. Except for the VFS-USA website.
71. How did you prepare yourself for this interview? Did you join any yahoo group to help yourself with the interview preparation? Why did you take help from educational consultants? Did you go to some consultant?
Ans. No preparation. Just collected all my documents as mentioned in VFS site and now I am in front of you.
72. Your answer seem well rehearsed ?
Ans. Really? Do we need preparation for such a simple interview
73. If need arises, do you have anyone in U.S. who could give you US $? [Again a trap]
Ans. No
74. What sort of job will you get here ?
Ans. I will get a jobs as a Software Development Analyst or Software Engineering Manager. [Explain it.. based on your area of specialization]
75. Who is a Software Engineer? [Or whatever profession you are in at present]
Ans. A software engineer is a person who applies the principles of software engineering to the design, development, testing, and evaluation of the softwares and systems that make computers or anything containing software work.
76. What sort of companies will take you? Who is going to hire you? So for what kind of companies do you want to work ? Where all you can work?
Ans. I am looking to come back and work in the same company I am working for now.
78. With which American companies you would like to work with? [again a trap]
Ans. I am open to not only to US MNCs but all MNCs
79. What would be your salary after coming to India? How much salary are you expecting?
Ans. [Explain]
80. With the kind of salaries you are offered there, why will you come back? How much do you expect to get? How much pay are you expecting in INDIA?
Ans. MNCs like ****** are paying [_] lakhs per annum
81. Do you think these companies will hire you for that much money?
Ans. Yes. Software Development Analyst is a highly sophisticated job and compensation package for such jobs is highly rewarding.
82. Do you have plans to take a break from Studies? [again a trap]
Ans. No
83. How can you adjust with the extreme weather (cold ) in US?
Ans. I think weather should not be a problem for me as my body gets accustomed to new climate easily.
84. I don't think you are the same person? [Again a trap]
Ans. Yes. I am the same person [with a smile]
85. Are these documents original?
Ans. Yes [Smile]
86. The documents you have produced are highly questionable. Your documents look like fake.
Ans. Sir all of them are genuine and they have been signed by authorized signatories [Try to maintain a smile]
87. What locations would you see there?
Ans. I am going there for studies, and since my stay in US is for 2 years only so I don’t think I will get time to freak around.
88. What does a computer engineer do ?
Ans. A computer engineer is an engineering professional who not only possesses the training of an electrical engineer, but also has credentials related to the field of computer science.
89. Why don't u shift to #### ? It’s a very good university. Will u shift? [its a trap]
Ans. No. I think my university is better for Software Engineering for someone with profile as mine.
90. Why MS after 3 years since GRE ?
Ans. Having given my GRE during my 3rd year in Engineering I decided to learn more in computer science, software engineering practices and gain enough software production experience before getting involved in research. So I applied for masters 3 years after my GRE.
91. What if I reject you ?
Ans. I have tried my best to fulfill all the requirements to get a visa. With the kind of academic and financial background that I have, I never thought that such a question would ever arise.
92. Why should I allow you a visa ? (here if question91 is asked, don't expect question 92 to be asked as it is one and the same question)
Ans. Sir , In my opinion, I have a strong educational and financial background and a valid reason to go to US. My profile is good enough for pursuing Masters' in USA and an admit from an university like ____ is a testimony to that. I have tried my best to fulfill all the requirements to get a visa. So, I expect a visa from you. IF YOUR SPONSOR IS INVOLVED IN BUSINESS OR OWNS A COMPANY
93. How big is the company ?
94. What’s this company all about ?
95. How many people working ?
96. What business does your father do ?
97. For how long is he involved in this business ? IF SPONSOR IS SOMEONE OTHER THAN YOUR PARENTS [Say for example your uncle is sponsoring you.]
98. How many children your uncle have ?
99. How about your uncle's kids ?
100. Won’t he save money for his children ?
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